Fresh Joy, a blog — spread some joy
The one thing you can't buy at Amazon

You can buy just about anything at Amazon. A home? If you're willing to go pre-fab, then yes. A human finger? Affirmative. A bacon-scented mustache or roast beef bath soak? Yes and yes. In the market for a Nicholas Cage sequin pillow or a PB&J-of-the-month club? Amazon's got you covered. Certainly not uranium ore? You'd be wrong, my friend. But that's just it! That's exactly what you can't buy at Amazon- friendship. And in honor of International Friendship Day, I'm giving thanks to some of the most important people in my life- my truth tellers, my cheerleaders, my lifelines.You know those friends who SHOW UP...
Salute to nurses

Today is National Nurses Day. Given our current context, the day takes on extra meaning this year. While nurses are generally well-respected and appreciated, the global pandemic is reinforcing just how amazing and important nurses are.Nursing is an art and science. It requires strength and sacrifice, intelligence and intuition, compassion and composure, patience and purpose. In many ways, nurses are the heart of our healthcare system. Where would we be without them?"To do what nobody else will do, in a way that nobody else can do, in spite of all we go through...this is what it is to be a nurse." -Rawsi WilliamsNational Nurses Day is...
#write_on challenge week 3
#write_on challenge spread some joy

Believe it or not, May is just around the corner. Around this time last month, many of us were settling into our new quarantine routines, hoping that our friends, family, jobs and toilet paper supply would be safe. It's been a tough month for everyone, to say the least.I am grateful for all the little things that are helping my husband and I cope- extra sleep, dog snuggles, FaceTime & Zoom, and "The Best Chicken Soup" takeout from Lourdes Mexican Food (trust me on this one).I am also grateful for the small distraction that National Card and Letter Writing Month has provided. For those of you participating in the #write_on challenge, are you getting...
#write_on challenge week 2
#write_on challenge spread some joy

It finally stopped raining here in Southern California. We had SO. MUCH. RAIN. last week. While the weather helped to keep everyone at home, it also led to extreme flooding of local homes and small businesses. Having been through a house fire and flood myself, I know how brutal the aftermath is, both physically and emotionally. Not being able to reach out to others for help must multiple it tenfold. My heart goes out to them. I think it's safe to say we're all grateful the sun is shining again.On that sunshinier note, we're now two weeks into National Card and Letter Writing Month. For those...
#write_on challenge week 1
#write_on challenge spread some joy

We're one week (+/-) into National Card and Letter Writing Month. For those of you joining me in the #write_on challenge, how did you do? There's no right way to do, whether you commit to one card each day, all 30 in one day, or somewhere in between. I've only written two so far, so have some catch-up ahead. Here's a Week 1 recap of the writing prompts we've shared on our Instagram stories so far. In the coming weeks, I'll be sharing all 30 prompts for those of you not on Instagram. (If you are on Instagram and aren't already following...