Salute to nurses

spread some joy

Today is National Nurses Day. Given our current context, the day takes on extra meaning this year. While nurses are generally well-respected and appreciated, the global pandemic is reinforcing just how amazing and important nurses are.

Nursing is an art and science. It requires strength and sacrifice, intelligence and intuition, compassion and composure, patience and purpose. In many ways, nurses are the heart of our healthcare system. Where would we be without them?

"To do what nobody else will do, in a way that nobody else can do, in spite of all we go through...this is what it is to be a nurse." -Rawsi Williams

National Nurses Day is the perfect opportunity to express our appreciation for all the roles that nurses play in our lives. With over 3 million nurses working in the U.S., chances are that you know at least one personally. Don't miss this chance to thank them. Consider sending a card, a gift certificate to a local coffeehouse, or even just reaching out with a simple text or phone call. 

To all the nurses in my life-- Emily, Mackenzie, Marcelia, Meg, Melissa, Sarah and my mother-- I salute you. Thank you for your service. Thank you for leading with your hearts and taking such good care of us. We are so very grateful. 

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